Anabolic diet (ebook) - Mauro di Pasquale

Anabolic diet is the best way to gain muscle naturally!!

Dodaj naslov
Unlike the high carb diet that can work against the body-s system of growth producing
hormones, the Anabolic Diet maximizes the production and utilization of the Big 3 growth
producers - testosterone, growth hormone and insulin - and does it naturally. It also shifts
the body-s metabolism from that of a sugar burning, fat producing machine to that of a fat
burning machine. With the body packing on extra muscle and simultaneously burning both
dietary and stored body fat, the bodybuilder finds himself twice blessed.
The Anabolic Diet stresses a high fat/high protein/low carbohydrate approach to nutrition.

Many in the general public will dismiss it out of hand, citing the popular beliefs that fat is a
prime component in heart disease, cancer and obesity. Likewise, many bodybuilders have come
to assume that dietary fat smooths the bodybuilder out and blurs definition.
But they couldn-t be more wrong. Dietary fat, when utilized properly as in the Anabolic Diet,
can be the key to growth and success. And while some will see the Anabolic Diet as a new,
revolutionary, even dangerous approach to nutrition, its basics actually originated with the
dawning of mankind.

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